- Claims for violations of CUTSA and Federal Trade Secrect Misappropriation Act arisibg out of alleged use of trade sectrets by competing "neighboring rights" royalty collector/administrator
- Claims of unfair competition, theft of trade secrets, breach of fiduciary duty, and obligations of confidentiality by commercial production house against a former producer.
- Dispute over protectability of furniture designs.
- Matter involving two entertainment-related businesses with the same name. The matter involved analysis of Sleekcraft factors, post-sale confusion, effect of USPTO actions, damages, etc. Resolution included various non-monetary terms regarding operation of the two businesses.
- Trade secrets dispute between executive recruiting firms and their current and former recruiters.
- Dispute over similarly named competing products being sold by former distributor and use of copyrighted image in promotion of the competing product in advertising.
- Violating candy manufacturer’s world-famous confectionary egg.
- Dispute over use of elements of highly acclaimed TV series in beer label and whether same constituted lawful parody or unlawful infringement.
- Matter involving use of same word as title of award-winning television series and name of record label
- Matter involving use of software logo in connection with product used to play, edit and create videos
- Dispute involving moving companies with similar names
- Case involving misappropriation of data base by provider of supporting software for customer relationship management product
- Matter involving use by manufacturers of competing high definition televisions with allegedly similar names for their products
- Legal malpractice matter where underlying suit involved alleged unlawful use of trademarks by online retailers
- Matter involving trade secrets in connection with asset purchase agreement
- Controversy involving use of image in series of national television commercials
- Matter involving similarity in name of hip hop artist and title of rap album
- Dispute between competing manufacturers of sneakers and whether various of their styles were unlawfully similar
- Dispute involving allegedly similar names for competing providers of legal recruiting services
- Multiple matters involving distribution of alleged counterfeits of trademark protected clothing, accessories and beauty products
- Case involving use of similar phrase and logo by two providers of beauty services
- Matter involving use of designs created by tattoo and graffiti artist
- Case involving use of similar product designs by competing online distributors of party supplies and novelties
- Matter involving use of similar names by two providers of office space for co-working services
- Dispute arising from use of similar names by competing apparel companies
- Matter arising from use of trademark-protected artwork in national lingerie chain’s distribution of swimwear
- Matter arising from use by third parties of trademarked phrase appearing in Youtube video
- Controversy involving competing distributors of kitchen appliances, including claims of false advertising, trade dress and trade libel
- Matter arising from use of similar names by two popular restaurants
- Matter involving federal court and TTAB actions arising from use of similar names by sellers/promoters of organic foods and urban farming
- Matter arising from use of a mark allegedly similar to that of well-known jeans label
- Case arising from use of name of well-known 60’s rock band on merchandise
- Matter arising between two similarly named providers of insurance-related services, including applicability of the Anti-cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act
- Dispute among former members of indie band regarding use of band name by individual band members
- Matter arising from use of software and other trade secrets by radio broadcasting stations
- Matter involving competing companies who organize national trade shows including issues related to trade secret misappropriation, trade libel and slander
- Case involving trade dress in connection with famous brand of boots
- Matter involving use of logo of company that places musical works in motion picture trailers
- Controversy involving rights of current and former members of heavy metal band
- Multiple matters involving designs in connection with various types of merchandise, including furniture, televisions, watches, sunglasses, and jeans
- Dispute involving different juice and health food establishments with similar names
- Controversy involving competitors in lighting design and import business
- Matter involving charities with similar names
- Controversy involving musical performers’ similar names
- Claim involving name of real estate venture
- Controversy between manufacturer of iconic board game and terminated distributor arising from latter’s use of board game’s design and logos